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Thread: last minute works of kindness

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    Default last minute works of kindness

    I remember a while back Slab started a topic of "100 Unplanned works of kindness", or something to that effect. Well I got me a CDC calendar and last month I got a couple in, helping a fellow trucker friend to my wife whose son totaled his pick up pick-up truck, and lived about 30 miles outside of town. Now his maw and paw were doing what they do to make money, right. Running the road delivering freight where ever it took them. Well I got a call and asked if they ordered and payed for some groceries, could I take out to their son for them as he totaled his only transportation. Yep, sure enough I did it.
    Well today I was working on a project of replacing a wall panel that was cracked when they moved the mobile home to it's current resting spot. I was cutting the last four boards to cover the 2x4 framing around the window when I get a call from this other trucker friend (female) friend of my wife who rents the spare bed room. Eric, can you come pick me up. Now this isn't that strange as her and my wife park in the same pay to park lot about 6 miles from the house... Sure I say, Give me a couple and I should be there in about 10 minutes, I say... Well that ten minutes turned into 6 1/2 to get back home...She was at her company yard in Tulsa, OK...a three hour drive from my home. Took 30 minutes after I got there to get her stuff from that big truck into my 1/2 ton pickup. Now I know for sure what fuel milage I get on the highway with it. While I get a measly 11.2 mpg around town, I get a real whopping 16.7 on the highway...Not to bad for a '95 pick-up with 191,000+ miles on the clock.
    After getting back home I finished what I was doing and even got the inside window reinstalled. Now after my appt. tomorrow, I can try to get the shades and curtains reinstalled before momma gets back around noon. Thanks for reading this if you made it this far. Eric, AKA,"jamesdean"
    Proud to have served with and supported the Units I was in: 1st IDF, 9th INF, 558th USAAG (Greece), 7th Transportation Brigade, 6th MEDSOM (Korea), III Corp, 8th IDF, 3rd Armor Div.
    1980 Ebbtide Dyna-Trak 160 Evinrude 65 Triumph

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    You’re a good man Eric, and I don’t say that just to hear myself. I drove the roads for over 20 years and had several things happen while I was gone that were taken care of by friends. They are still friends these many years later and never acknowledge that they did anything special. One sticks out and is worth mention. No cell phones were available but the trucks has satellite communication with the company. I received a message to call home. Found that odd as I had just left home about 4 hours before. Seems the water pump had gone down and while my wife is resourceful, this was too much for her to fix alone. I called a friend named Charlie and told him of my problem, and that I wasn’t due back home for over two weeks. All he said was “I got it Dad”, and hung up the phone. He quick finished up what he was doing and went to my house, went and got parts, and had her up and running in just a little while. When I got home I had to fight with him to take the money for the parts and he absolutely refused anything for his time and trouble. We are blessed with friends like this in our lives. Now none of you have to wonder why I do some of the things I do, as you give so shall you receive. Thanks for telling of your trip.
    Creativity is just intelligence fooling around
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    Skeetbum, Thank you sir. I reflect back often to a situation that happened to me around May of 1994. My mother had been struggling to fight a loosing battle with cancer out in calif. I was struggling in a failing marriage in Va. The inevitable call came from the Dr.'s office while I was at work. The boss arranged time off for me, and I tried to get my wife to go with me, but that wasn't going to happen. So I loaded my little car, ( A 1989 chevy cavalier hatchback ). To make a long story short, I headed for Moms in Calif. Somewhere around OKCity, The throttle position sensor took a dump. Well I got one and got it on but couldn't get it exactly right. I had to go, mom was on her death bed and in my mind I had to get there...Running across Oklahoma in near 90 degree No A/C and having to run the heater full blast is not fun. Still only able to hold 50 mph. due to the engine running hot.
    I seen a line of trucks coming up behind me and hollard on the CB, " AAAAH Drivers would you please hit the hammer lane and not blow this little car off the road, I can only do 50 mph. Well I got a chuckle and one in the line asked what the problem I was having. After a short explaination he asked if I could make to the fuel stop about 5 miles up the road. I said sure, and he said just pull up to the gas pumps and pop the hood and go get a cool drink and he would fix it. He explained he had one at home just like it and had it happen to him. Well needless to say before I could get my drink paid for he was shutting the hood, problem fixed.
    He absolutely refused any kind of payment. All he asked for payment was, " Sometime in the future, someone will need help. Give them the help they need and I will be payed in full". I never got his name, nor the company he worked for. All I know is him and a buddy were driving golden brown Pete' day cabs hauling rock bucket trailers, and were from somewhere south of Albuquerque, N.M. I have absolutely repaid that help more than a hundred fold, and still to this day repay that debt for the help that driver gave me. I made it home to see my mom the day before she passed due to the kindness of this gentleman, and I will be forever grateful, and in his debt. This reminder has stirred fellings I haven't felt since I lost my mom.
    One never knows the way one touches another life when they help someone. Like most others I try to help them and prey everything comes out for the better. We all, I am sure, Have had the ones that were asking for help just to take advantage of another persons kind and generous heart, I know I have. But I continue to help when I can, and don't always need to be asked for it. Sometimes if you look around you, you see situations that don't necessarily take much of anything to help out in. Well, I need to wipe my eyes and see if I can get some sleep, It's 3:50 AM and I haven't slept yet. Hope you've made it this far, And enjoy the weekend. Keep the motor wound up and the lines tight. Dirty side down, sunny side up and between the ditches my friend. Eric.
    Proud to have served with and supported the Units I was in: 1st IDF, 9th INF, 558th USAAG (Greece), 7th Transportation Brigade, 6th MEDSOM (Korea), III Corp, 8th IDF, 3rd Armor Div.
    1980 Ebbtide Dyna-Trak 160 Evinrude 65 Triumph
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    Redge is offline Crappie.com Legend - 2017 Man Of The Year
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    Nice stories Eric and Skeet.
    We are all in this world together, and should help each other, some people just haven’t realized it, yet.

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    yesterday I was in line behind a lady in an electric cart struggling to get groceries . she was counting change and telling the cashier to put back the butter and a few other things . it was so simple to say excuse me mam to the cashier I got this .
    of course I think it embarrassed the older lady a little bit as she started telling me she had the money and it was for her friends at the nursing home and so on and so forth . the one thing for certain about it all that made my day was after the lady left with all of her groceries with a big smile and a thank you …..
    the cashier said to me this ….you know this is the second time today someone did this !
    and I said and wouldn't it be a great world if it happened more often
    sum kawl me tha outlaw ketchn whales
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