Seems a man that I call a good friend and I don't do that often , that has been really good to me for the 30 years I have known him has an advanced case of cancer .
Now mind you he and I chat fairly often and I knew he had some health issues here and there , but he never let on he had cancer for 2 years now . He is my hunting bud and the man I lease property from and shared a many a good times with .
I know he is in the hospital and wont respond to my texts or calls with pneumonia right now and has cancer in his lungs and other significant body parts as well .
it seems so odd to me he it started in his lungs because he never smoked or used tobacco his whole life .
I am a bit shocked he hasn't shared it with me , but he isn't the chat about personal stuff much kind of guy and when he has touched on the subject lightly he was vague about it and only said he was traveling to Houston to see a specialist .
I do know for the last few years he often greets me after I say how you been doing bud ?
with a standard response of its a good day because I woke up one more time
anyway if you have time say a prayer for him and his family ,the world will be minus a great honestly genuine good guy if he passes away for sure .