It is great to see that the carp issue is a problem that is under research to be addressed.

It is even better to see that those in power and in the know concerning our waterways and eco systems are in favor of taking the time to address and test the "cures or fixes" to a point to know what these fixes will actually do long term and not throwing the baby out with the bathwater to run into just taking action on the problem with a fingers crossed attitude for the long term results.

I am not for spraying poisons into our waterways, we have enough unwanted chemicals entering our waterways and top soils already. I know when I was a kid you could go to any decent running creek in the area I lived and catch salamanders and crawdads to your hearts content. Those same creeks have been void of such creatures now for decades as the waters are too polluted for the critters to live in any more.

Also just about every public waterway in our area has fish eating advisories issued again because of the pollutants and chemicals in our waterways.

We do not need to purposely be spraying or dumping more poisons into our waters, we damage them enough just with our chemical filled environment that we live in.