This is hard for me to write this because I'm a very private person because of my PTSD. I made mention of having cancer on the Al forum a few days ago so I need to let everyone know what's going on. Last may I stared going anemic but thought it was due to being on coumadin and having diverticulosis. It got bad enough I needed 2 units of blood and was sent to a digestive heath specialist and he found a bleeding tumor in my small intestine and his biopsy said it was benign so I was sent to UAB to have the tumor removed. The Doctor did a CT scan and came into the room and said it is cancerous and had already spread to my liver and other areas and was inoperable. 3 days later they put a stint in my small intestine so I could have more the liquid foods because the tumor was closing off my intestine.
Bottom line my cancer is rare and aggressive, inoperable and will never go into remission so I'm on Chemo every 2 weeks for the rest of my life. I've been on chemo since Oct. I hope this make sense.
Prayers are welcome