This is "old ship" telling you about a desire he has. I am getting long in the tooth. For you young whippersnappers, that means that old ship is within months of applying for social security. I really would like to go fishing with Wally and Steve one day. I am hoping that if they are ever in the Birmingham Alabama area they will look me up and say "Hop aboard. Lets get us some Crappie." That is my dream. You see, I am so grateful for fishing. In my youth it helped keep me off the streets an into a positive environment with nature. 62 years later I still love fishing. My dad helped me as a youth. I cherish the emails and responses I received from Steve and I want to publicly thank him right here and right now.

Everybody has a hero or a mentor they look up to when it comes to fishing. Other than my dad, my biggest heroes are Steve MacCadams. and Wally Marshall, and Jerry McKinnis. Steve takes the time and encourages me through responding to emails, Jerry McKinnis always closed his show saying "Dedicated to me dad who always had time to take me fishing, and Mr. Crappie always has a wealth of knowledge he shares with others through his website.

I work with seven autistic and non verbal high school special ed minority students. I am asking members of to PLEASE send them something to encourage them. It could be a previously owned tournament or T-shirt, an autographed picture, a lure, a letter, whatever. Let the Lord lead you and use you. Any shirts should be size large or extra large.

Please send it to
Students in room 15
c/o Michael Carter
Midfield High School
1600 High School Road
Midfield, AL

Also, we'd like you to PLEASE respond in this thread who you look up to and encouraged you with fishing.


old ship