Quote Originally Posted by mrdux View Post
Vicki and I both had birthdays last week. Our daughter and her family wanted to take us to one of their favorite eating places for a birthday celebration. As busy as our Grandkids are, it's not easy to get everybody scheduled in one place.

The restaurant is called the "Freight House". It's built in an old railroad building. I guess it's the place all the special people eat so I was a square peg in a round hole to start with. I had no idea if my Wrangler shorts and guide shirt would fit their dress code. I guess it did. We all sat down and I about had a heart attack when our waitress brought the menus. 6 deviled eggs---$12. I'm talking 6 1/2 eggs here, 3 whole eggs. Holy crap! No wonder Vicki and I had never been here before. Our grandson finished those eggs off in 6 bites!

I looked the menu over and felt guilty spending this much of our son-in-law'S $$. One dish caught my eye. KY Silver Carp--$21. There it was--my supper. My daughter and grandson had steak, I'm talking couldn't have been more than 4 ounces of meat, already sliced. Isn't that special. $46

When they brought my carp, I'll have to admit it was probably the prettiest supper dish I've ever had. It tasted as good as it looked. Vicki had an $18 hamburger. They cut their own fries so I guess it wasn't a bad deal.

The carp was great! The taste is very mild and the meat is snow white and very flaky. I've had it before and liked it then and now. I may try to get some for Crankfest. I may have to eat it all myself. I'm sure the KY guys won't let it go to waste.

It was a great time with family. I don't see myself being in a financial place where we will make the place a regular supper spot.
I enjoyed reading that. LOL. I could just picture it in my mind Carp--It's what's for dinner