Good read.....beautiful fish! Glad you are enjoying UL angling. I have not been on any bluegill yet due to the floods and water temps. But I have been catching tons of white bass and a lot of smallmouth....some at the 21 inch mark.....on the 2# test and 1/64 ounce jigs. Many ask me why I don't fish with bigger get bigger fish. Well for 21 years I fished the Red Sea and Persian Gulf. I caught all the big fish one could ever hope to catch in a lifetime...even the vaunted "GT's".....Giant Trevally. While I enjoyed it, and am glad I got to experience it all.......if I had to pick I would choose an UL rod with 2# test line and hunt bluegills.....and other panfish. It is just a lot of fun fishing with UL gear.
