I want to start off by saying of course I post my version of fish reports in several social media areas . One is facebook under an assumed name of course like all the rest . So you see over there I am known as Johnny Ketchn and I have a couple of "friends" there . One such fella asked to be my friend last week and told me he wanted to buy some deer meat . I of course said that was huge no no , but I could possibly give him some .
He went on to tell me about his dilemma , he is a disabled veteran and out of work and the list of problems for him went on and on . I told him since he lived pretty far away if he could get closer to DFW I could fix him right up . Told me they were not going to have a Thanksgiving because of the money situation and I told him ....we will fix that problem for sure !
So we met in the middle of no where and I gave him a big ole butterball turkey for his family and an ice chest full of venison , in the mean time the ladies at work I shared the story with said they would get all the dry goods together .
Well let me say this we shook hands a few times and he went on his way after a real large hug that bought made us both shed tears . Meanwhile my phone is going nuts and its a bud that says OMG get over here quick brother it is on fire with slabs .
Here goes the interesting part , I am only about 10 minutes from where he is !
I probably couldn't have made a lunch trip over there because of the distance from DFW but the situation being what it was I could stop by for an hour or so .
He wasn't joking yawl and we slung big ole extra fat slabs up on the dock . I mean like the minute I hit we were jerking fish and it went on and on . I left after passing out a few baits to the other handful on the dock and packed up a few in my now empty ice chest for dinner .
So you see a simple act of kindness and generosity and look at the reward .
Give Thanks this week and give if you can , it will come back to you as of we all know you reap what you sow ......