Figured I'd give a little background on the body of water that we fish.

We fish a reservoir that's a bit over 3000 acres of great bass and trout fishing, long ago somebody illegally introduced the crappie into the system, making the crappie an invasive specie, so no bag or size limit.

Most folks don't fish for them at all and typically throw back everything that's not bass or trout, and those that actually do fish for the crappie will typically keep the larger fish and toss the dinks back into the water.

Needless to say the crappie are reproducing at a pace faster than they are being fished, and consequently they are stunted.

I have done a bit of homework and found the best solution to this type of problem is to be relentless while fishing the crappie and only release the largest of them back into the water.

That, I can and will do........