Do to conditions at work I will not be making the Mississippi spring camp at Nader, We are having a 2 week shut down in summer and that will eat my vacation.

So I currently have cabin 2A at Hugh White reserved check in at 3 pm Mar 11 check out Mar 16 If anyone is interested in taking this cabin please send me a PM, We will go over the details , I have half of it paid for already and would need $180 bucks for that, You would pay the other half upon your arrival. If no one is interested no biggie I'll get a voucher for what I've paid minus $10 . I'll use it in July. Just wanted to give any CDC members a chance at the cabin before I called and cancelled it. Please let me know by Next Week I hate to miss the camp but thats the cards I was dealt . Again I hate to miss the camp and all the good folks in MS.