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Thread: I want a do-over!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
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    Default I want a do-over!

    Ever wish you could do a quick rewind for another shot at that big one that got away? I had a moment like that yesterday on the water. I had been out for about 2 hours and had a few 'gills and one 12" crappie in the cooler for my efforts. It had been a windy morning and I'm not too successful when the wind is blowing hard. I chose to move up the shore, headed for what looked like calmer water. I figured I'd troll some, move 50-60 yards and anchor down for a few minutes and repeat until I until I found fish that were more active or until I reached a spot where the wind wasn't such a problem. I'd made 2 stops and was moving to the 3rd when I saw a big echo on the HB. I had both the DI and the regular sonar view on and this fish showed up on both. Looked like he was camped out on the deep side of a boulder sort of on the edge of the drop-off. I trolled over him but no action on the trailing lures. I circled around and anchored in deep water away from him a bit. I figured I go to the downwind side so I could toss my jig in to the wind and let it drift along to his area rather than coming straight out from the shallows. I actually thought through the whole scenario, hoping for a chance at him. I had 2 poles rigged up; one had a paddle tail minnow, 2.5" in a black back/gray belly with speckles and the other had a BG Baby Shad in their "threadfin shad" color, sort of the same color combo as the minnow. Most of my catch had come on the BG so I chose that one. Pole was the St. Croix UL. Line was Trilene XL in 4 lb. I checked the knot, checked the line above, checked and double checked the drag setting and tossed it to the wind and got ready.

    The drift was just as I'd hoped. The boulder was in perhaps 13' of water and I don't know how deep my lure was but it was close enough 'cause something hit me right where I was expecting it to. There was no guessing if he had hit it; my line straightened out in a hurry and I set the hook hard; my pole bent and I had him hooked and hooked good, I was sure. The St. Croix doubled right over in the "C" shape we're all so familiar with. He was a nice one for sure. I kept the tip up and let the rod keep the tension on the line; I wasn't gonna give him any slack. I could feel his strength; this was a nice fish. Then he started his run.

    We've all heard the classic line of "my reel screamed in protest".....well, I heard it for real yesterday; thats the fastest I've ever heard my reel and drag sing. Faster than I could believe, he traveled down the shore, moving parallel to me, taking line like I was hooked to a dragster. Took about 5 seconds. I simply held on, kept the tip high and hoped. Then he stopped. I mean stopped completely, no movement, no tugs, nothing. I kept a tension on the line for about 30 seconds, in case he was simply in weeds and waiting. Couldn't feel him. I leaned carefully on it, not wanting to break off but still couldn't feel him. I moved the rod tip gently to the left and right hoping to gain a little but it was not to be; my line went suddenly slack and he was gone. I reeled in and found just the end of the line, no tackle.

    I don't know what he did and what went wrong and its probably best that way. We had a contest and he was the winner; its that simple. Its been a long time since I caught a big fish; the biggest fish I ever caught was a 4lb and a couple ounces LMB when I was around 15 or so. There is no catfish in this pond, only brown bullhead so I can rule that species out, leaving LMB and pickerel as the most likely choices. I like to think that this one would have topped that easily but I'll never know and that's OK. But the whole thing played out just as I planned for, all except putting the net under him and getting a picture.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Sometimes when things go right, everything goes wrong. Maybe you'll hook him again some time....with the end result being a pic of it....

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Don't worry, with the skills you described, (finding and hooking that fish,) you will get a chance to beat your personal best soon enough. Great story.
    ><}}}}*> (C.J.)

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I say a large Pike. Very strong and sharp teeth!

  5. #5
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    Chain pickerel and Northern pike are very similar fish. Same family, I believe. I don't think there are any pike in this pond, not listed in the original stocking list but one of my partners landed a +/- 3lb. pickerel last year here. I've landed a bunch of smaller ones, too.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I bet it was a BIG ole Crappie... Great write up!


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Nice story. You'll meet up w/ him again.

    Life has many choices, eternity has two...choose wisely.
    Unapplied biblical truth is like unapplied many gallons do you have sittin' around? U.D.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    W Little Rock
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    Great write up. I thought I was reading a Feild and Stream article for a while.
    I am a heterosexual male. 2 Chronicles 7:14
    "If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Some type of smart toothy old feller I would guess. No question how he got so big and smart. Better beef up the gear a little next time. 10lb test with a heavier leader for him is what it may take. Good luck on the rematch.
    Keep them poles bent and the boat right side up! LOL

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