shows what she is made of. Been texting and talking to Crappie24 from Ill about their trip they made this week for some time. Had the pleasure to visit with them on the water and then later in the evening Tuesday. He had his son, a friend from work and his grandson with him. It was good to see these young ens fired up about fishing in 95 degree temps. glad yall had a good trip.
Later that evening was a complete turn around as it was posted on the MS board that one of our members had lost his father to an auto accident. Mine and many others hearts were heavy and hurting and at this point we didnt even know the indentity due to all notifications needing to be made. Yesterday morning we found out it was Mo Money's father and my heart sank even farther. Mo got the call not an hour after he and I had been on the phone planning a fishing trip Tuesday afternoon. My prayers go out to Mo and his family in this time of loss.

I met Mo and Crappie24 through this site, both are now friends and for that I am thankful to Ed for what he has created here. A place where we can share, help, rib and pick at each other, and make some life long friends.