I have been busy constructing two homemade minnow buckets using 5 gal. plastic buckets and foam inserts from BPS. I have put the home depot screw-on lids on the buckets and turned some cyprus lids that are spit and hinged to lift up. They fit on top of the foam. The Home Depot lids screw on above the cyprus lids and allow the buckets to be waterproof during transit. Air hoses were added through the buckets to air stones in the bottom. I plan to use the marine metal power bubbles (12volt) pump hooked to a Rig Rite livewell timer to supply air to both buckets. The pump and timer will be hardwired and installed in my console. That timer will allow aeration for 30 seconds over a period up to 5 minutes. This off and on cycle won't tax the battery and should be plenty (if not too much) aeration. Is that pump tooooo much for 2 minnow buckets?