Discovered something by accident this last time out. Had a pole rigged up with a bobber for minnows, and decided I was wanting to try a different color jig, so instead of abandoning the one I was catching a few on, I decided to tear down this other rig. Hated the thought of having to fix up another bobber stop later, so I left the little green string on there. Well, guess what! That thing was perfect for a reference point. I set it about 2' deep, and lowered my jig down till the string touched the water, and...THUMP! Did this over and over. And when the jig got hung and broke off, all I had to do was tie on another, set the stop at 2', and I was back in business. I also hate using the high vis line, and the little green stop, showed ever little move on them light bites. I'll be doing this from here on out, guarantee it.