Being a jigflinger by preference, I have a hard time putting down what I know will work and trying different things. For a long time I have read posts about dragging cranks on a long line behind the boat, and today I went to "The Dark Side" and trolled for a few hours. The day started out cold and clear with a full moon still in the sky with no clouds in sight. My expectations weren't high, but I've been housebound for one reason or another for most of the year so I was going to make the best of it. As expected the jigs found only small fish except one which pulled free at boatside. About 9:30, with the day warming nicely, I changed rigs and locations and started with the cranks. Pink, Mistake, Crawfish, and shad were on the lines and after eliminating water without shad, it was on as good as the day would allow. Finished up with about a dozen and most would have kept. A few White Bass had to get into the act but none of size. I faced backwards on the forward seat, turned the console electronics around, moved a couple of Hi-teks into place and it was fun from there. If you've never tried it your missing out on some fun. Even alone it was well worth the effort. Thank You God for the wonderful weather we all enjoyed here today, absolutely magnificent.I have some video I shot today that I will add later when I get it edited. Thanks for visiting with me today.