So I read all this stuff about cranks - pushing them, pulling them, longlining jigs and minnows. I plan my weekend for pulling some cranks and NOW, only NOW I see that cranks are most effective on white crappie(?!?!?) Guess I've been catching black crappie all this time, and now I know there are two types of crappie. That's what I get for being a bass only guy for the first 37 years of my life.
Soooo, for a lake that doesn't have any white crappie (I've never seen anything but black crappie in pictures from up here in SE WI), what is the best way to target black crappie? I read the Kentucky lake radio tagging report that they relate to flats and structure in summertime. Should I give up on cranks? Cast some jigs/spinners in the weeds? Troll tight to the breakllines/weedlines? I feel like a kid who just had his block tower knocked over and has to start from scratch.