I and two friends put in at Redlands (Oconee) Saturday morning (2/26/2011). Water temperature was 56-58. We used 6 pound and 8 pound test. We fished every depth, every color jig (INCLUDING LIVE BAIT), tipped the jigs with minnows, used minnows without jigs, changed lures about a dozen times, trolled, used bobbers, fished up and down the banks and into coves all the way to the I-20 bridge and back until dark. Basically fished everywhere I saw/marked fish on the finder and DID NOT CATCH ONE CRAPPIE!!! This is my third trip in February!!!

So here it comes from a 45 year old broken down man that has been fishing since the age of 6 and has only managed to catch strippers and hybrids at Oconee at the lower end of the lake. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE I am begging someone email me and tell me what I am doing wrong. I travel two and half hours to fish this lake and I am getting killed MENTALLY and MONETARILY. I fish for the sport and rarely keep my catch.

Lastly, I would like thank those of you in advance for feeling my pain and taking a few minutes to write. I hope to retrn the favor.

Alex ([email protected])