I watched Wally Marshall fish at a Crappie Tounament on the Bass Pro fishing show on the Outdoor Network. He was pitching the Wally Marshall crankbaits as part of the show. Has anyone tried them? I haven't seen them in my Bass Pro catalog but I haven't got this year's catalog yet. I didn't see them up close but they looked a lot like Bandits or Bombers. Maybe he has some better colors? I didn't look like he won the tounament but no one wins every time.
Information wise, I think the article in this month's issue of In-Fisherman on trolling crankbaits had much better information than Wally's show. Maybe those guys will do a show on trolling crankbaits for crappies. Or, maybe Wally will do a demonstration show for Bass Pro. Let's see how the Pros do it.