Can you think of anyplace else you would like to be as much as fish camp??

I like to hear about other peoples fish camp. So I would like to tell you about ours. Then I am looking forward to reading about yours.

We fish a small lake here in Central West Virginia called Sutton Lake. It is really a nice lake that is really secluded. Very little so called "improvements" on the lake. You can run for miles and see nothing but the mountains, black bears, deer, and lots of great Crappie water.

We as a group have been fishing there since the early 70's. We have had as many as 50 fisherman at one time in camp. With the kids and wives and such. Just an overall family oriented camping situation.

There is always at least 10 to 12 people in camp. Some guys stay there for as much as 60 days in a row.

We all fish as a group. We share everything. That includes bait, gas, food, and whatever else any one individual may need. Then we all sit around the campfire at night and talk about the day, and whatever else.

We all go the ramp and put in and normally all take out at the same time. The youngins help us oldins with launching, and whatever someone may need. Several of us are handicapped, but that is no big deal to our group.

I hope everyone has an opportunity to fish like this in their lifetime.

One day I watched my buddies two little girls accidently knock the whole bucket of minners into the lake. It wasn't five minutes before two boats were over there making sure the kids had more minners. I gave them my whole bucket. Heck I can fish with jigs and tubes, or not even fish at all and just enjoy watching the kids catch fish. Man I enjoy watching the kids catch a mess of Crappie. Those two little girls are also pretty good fisherman!!

Also one of the most fun things is to watch the generations grow up. I can remember alot of the guys who have their kids with them fishing when they were just kids. Now we have to teach another generation how to catch fish. What a great problem to have!!

How about your camp?? Tom.