I am rounding up stuff to send to some of the good guys in Afghanistan. Here is the address of one of the 101st Airborne troops that I am in contact with. I told him that he would be getting some stuff for distributing amongst the troops.

With your help, maybe we can warm the hearts of a few in a cold and distant land.

A small gift brings big smiles. I know as I have been in this situation.

If anyone decides to send items, please post what you send here. Here is a link to suggested useful items to send. I suggest we stick with the snacks and toiletries.

Just send them some stuff of your choice and reference Crappie.com.

It takes 3 weeks or so to get a package to the command.

Complete List of Items toSend to* the Troops

SPC Kirkendall, Aaron
TF Panther
HHT 1-61 CAV
FOB Connolly
APO AE 09310

Maybe someone will be kind enough to make this a sticky. I don't know how to do it.