And we all have different experiences, either because of where we live or how we fish for crappie. I like to think of this main forum as a creative workshop, similar to those I participated in as a commercial artist. Run something up the flagpole, so to speak.

One thing that's a good idea is to make your point as succinctly as possible and move on. I've expresssed my views a few times about spider rigging, and that's all I'm going to say about it. Going back to the art analogy, market research shows that you have 8 seconds to make your sale, either in point-of-puchase displays or print ads. If it takes you longer than that to "sell" your idea, you've lost the customer.

Jerry Blake fishes darn everyday and has to come up with successful trips because he depends on satisfied customers. Richard fishes tournaments and has probably seen more lakes and conditions that any ten of us combined. Crappiepappy is a wonderful teacher.

Now. let's go back to fishing. Oh, and Tarpon, we have done some fantastic fishing right before a storm hits and during light rain. - Roberta