i can remember back when i was much younger, catching minnows in a seine, well, i just aint got the nack of using that dude by myself(trust me, if anybody would have saw, could have made americas funniest videos), but i am rather crafty with a cast net.
I found a quite old creek pool under a large tile, kinda deep, great looking spot. Threw the cast net a few times, caught some great chubs if i was catfishin, and probably half dozen larger shiners. While throwing the net i saw some small minnows swimming about, so i took a minnow trap with me, used bread crumbs, but all i caught was a bluegill(had ta squeeze to get in) and a crawdad, who pinched the livin fire out of me while trying to extract him.

Any ideas guys, never used the trap much, but it seems purty straight forward, maybe a better location? I have several creeks around, one of which is a cold creek, which is stocked with trout, think that might be a better bet?