I’ve only been to Louie once this year. I was curious to see if the crappie were biting there. Had a few chores and a little puppy training to do first, then hit the road. Got a sack of ice and a Diet Coke in Sicily Island and made it to the launch at Bayou Louie Rocks. Water was very high, and no boat trailers. Two people fishing from the bank didn’t seem to be catching anything. Headed up the lake to the head of the main creek. Fished around there. Nothing. Didn’t see much on Livescope. Tried another creek by Bill’s. Gave it 5 hours of hard fishing. Not a bite!! Tried the edge of the channel and all I got was a serenade from a great horned owl. I answered him. Good practice for turkey hunting. Checked a couple more spots and nothing! A good dose of humility is good for you now and then. Had a nice boat ride and the boat ran well. The great thing about where I live is there are so many different places to fish!