Went to Louie on Thursday morning. Launched at the Rocks around 7 am. Water was down way down! Fished some submerged trees that had been holding fish. Not much. Searched around shallower and deeper, and found them suspended over deeper water. Caught quite a few on shiners, and then tried a double rig with a Roadrunner 18” over a 1/16 oz jig with a white tube with flakes on it. Caught several on the tube and a couple on the roadrunner. That’s the good

Tried around one of the trees, and my phone rang. Answered and talked to my wife. Then I got a bite and hoisted a nice crappie. Told the wife I had to go and set phone on minnow box. Unhooked the fish and turned around to put fish in cooler. Heard this BAD noise that sounded like a phone hitting the bottom of the boat!! Looked, phone was gone!! Eight feet of muddy water, alone, no one knows exactly where I am. Resisted the urge to dive in after it. Don’t make a bad situation worse! I told myself.

Went to the landing and in my truck I can push a button and contact ONSTAR. I did and asked them to call my wife Of course no answer! I asked the representative to text her and tell her I had lost my phone but I was ok, and was going to fish some more. He said he did and I thanked him.
Then I went to another area and used side Imaging to locate underwater brush in that area.

I returned to the landing to leave and when I pulled my boat out the frame of the trailer dragged on the concrete. The water is really low and the lowest part of the concrete is all messed up. Really Ugly!! Managed to get the boat out ok and get home.
Onstar didn’t contact my wife!

The good news is I had insurance on my phone, so I got a “new” one really cheap in 2 days and was able to restore almost everything from the cloud. I went back Friday and caught about 10 crappie in the 11-14” range. Some of those were on jigs. Oh, I almost forgot!! I got some Slabsauce, and it seemed to help!!
Photo to follow.
Bill’s Landing was about the same as Rocks.