Hi everybody!
Got a question about slip cork rigging I thought I would throw out here...

Sometimes it takes me a while to figure out better way to do stuff and I'm sure some of you seasoned professional fishermen
can help me out.

The issue is line, reels, and slip corks. Figured out a long time ago that braid dont work reel well on closed faced reels, but it is great on open faced spinning reels. Now I fish a cork and jig alot around here and always use the best cork I have ever found ESB, everlasting slip bobber.
Braid is expensive compared to mono, and will last all year long, but mine seems to twist to the point of being useless after 2 days hard fishing.
I've watched my jig swim back to the boat but it dont seem to be spinning, maybe on the cast, I dont know.

Whatever is happening it happens alot to me. How to rig it? How do I stop twisting line? And no I dont wont to throw it over a tree limb or hang it out the back of the boat for while.