My 2 sac-au-lait fishing buddies are both on disability and both Veterans. The youngster is a 77 year old Veteran of the Viet Nam war and our mentor is a 95 year old Veteran of The Battle of the Bulge. We decided years ago that we would all fish together whenever we got the chance to go.

Due to various illnesses and doctor visits for us and our wives, one of whom passed away this year, it has been 18 months since we have fished together. My 95 year old friend told me last week, "Every night when I get on my knees to say my prayers, I ask the Good Lord to give us at least one more day together in your boat."

This post is to remind everyone how special this sport and the people who enjoy it are. Don't pass up a chance to go when you can and don't pass up the opportunity to take those who can't go on their own. You never know how much it might mean to them.