We all have much to be thankful for but I do want to mention these. Thanks to our chief cook and bottle Brother Warren for spearheading and organizing the galley. By the way, his gumbo was about the best I've ever tasted. Thanks to Juicy for his getting us together and contacting many sponsors for the prizes. Thanks to George for securing the group camp for the gathering, I hope some of you did as I did and give him a donation. Thanks to all the sponsors who gave generously to our gathering. Thanks to all who came and were on their best behavior, that means a lot to the families. You guys and gals are the best.

I want to thank also to those who came to my rescue when I ended up with a dead battery and needed a jump a couple of times. I got home and found only 10.5 volts in my battery which means I lost one cell. Walmart gladly replaced it with a new one after giving me 30 dollars credit towards the new one.

Most importantly I want to thank our Heavenly Father for keeping us all safe, providing us with much food, and most of all the best of fellowship.