Welcome back to La. Well the house did good. A couple shingles. All fence down. Overall subdivision did well. Lot of shingles, most fence down in the subd. including the concrete/brick noise wall. But we all have a place to go home to and repairs can be made. Most important God kept us all well. Estimate 2 weeks on electric.My brother's house has a little roof damage and leak. He also survived, scared but alive as he rode it out. We went to Baton Rouge. His and my boats made it okay at his house. Now for the bad. I have pictures and when I can get them loaded I will. I had already rented a long term site at six mile on Toledo bend. But I no longer have a 5th wheel. The wind blew over my 13,000 lb RV and slid it 2 spots over in the campground in Iowa. It broke off the back and is on it's side with the entrance door on top. It even looks twisted. It is totaled and to think 10 days ago we would have been in it. The 3 campgrounds near here all look the same. Many campers rolled on their side and tore up. I describe it best by saying it looks like a tank took target practice. I have not heard of injuries at the rv parks, thanks be to God. I would guess at least a hundred destroyed. Like I said, I will post a few pics when I can. Those who have seen my 5th wheel will remember the big C.c emblem on the front, well all I can say about that is
"crappie down". Bilbob keep your emblem upright.

Update, DYWANE SHADOW is okay and his house survived. His parents are also okay, but their house is mostly destroyed. I got this info from him.

praise to God for all he kept safe in this major storm. Without HIM we are nothing. In Jesus name, amen. Thank you fellow members for being caring. if you can make a small donation to help out the victims who need it.

P.S. If I wasn't such a politically correct guy, I would change my handle to " Big Chief Blackcloud".