
I love to learn new technique to catching other species of fish! I find it challenging to catch these chinquapins on Caney. I have heard March and April is the time to find them but they can still be caught now. I went this pass Saturday and beat the bank up only to find a ton of small brims. I did catch 3 decent size chinks and figured I may had stumble upon a bed but the bite was weird. It wasn't back to back. I would cast in there catch one and had to weave through the small brim to catch another chink. Do chink and brim spawn together? I also found it better to tight line for them instead of using a cork. Where should I look for beds?? Is the spawn over? All the bank like looks similar in a way. What's the best way to approach and technique to catch them? Also what's the best bait? Thanks for all advice!