I got in a deer lease a few years ago and started renting a little camp that's up on the north end of Black Lake where it just looks like a little bayou. The family that owns the camps and runs our lease relocated up here from down south Louisiana from around the Carencro area in the early 90's. Everybody in our lease except for me is from south Louisiana, they are all cajun. In fact Mr. Eugene, the fellow that runs our lease is known by everybody up here (the locals) only as "Cajun". Well, opening weekend of squirrel season we were all sitting around eating gumbo, telling tall tales and sipping on a few cold ones and Mr. Eugene asked me if I was going to do a lot of fishing again this winter. I told him I would be and I was telling everybody about all the huge white perch we had caught last winter/spring and everybody was just kinda looking at me like they didn't know what I was talking about. (Now, usually from where I'm from you tell any sportsman about HUGE white perch and their eyes light up!) Well, finally my buddy looked over at Mr. Eugene and said, "Dude, what's he talkin' bout? What a white perch is??" Cajun just looked at him and said, "Sac-a-lait boy, dey catchin' dem huge slab sac-a-lait." We all had a good laugh and talked at lenght about how even though we only live 125 miles apart how different our dialect is! They've taught me a lot and I've been taking them fishing where they used come only to hunt. Now when they come up they bring me boudin and cracklin's and I send them home with fresh filets. Out of respect and a tribute for my cajun buddies I changed my screen name to "NwLa sacalait".