To All my friends at Crappie.Com here in Louisiana,
The Air Force has decided to move me on to a new fishing hole in East Nebraska, and the Freebird87 clan will be packing up and moving north this summer. I want to thank all my friends for taking me fishing and great times at the Darbonne and Toledo Bend gatherings. I'm glad to see Docwaldo's protege, Brody, getting bigger and ready to take over the backseat of the Crappie Whisperer's boat. I sure had fun, and will try to get as many LA fishing trips in while I can before we head north.

I did have an opportunity to use my flats boat from Florida here in LA, especially down on the coast chasing reds, flounder and trout. I won't need a flats/bay boat in Nebraska, so I'm listing it for sale on the classified ads section. the link is here if you want to see or especially are interested or know someone who is. Hopefully, Dwyane or any of you others on the coast will help me find someone who will keep her livewells full of reds and keep her happy!

Thanks again to all, we sure enjoyed our time here in the south!

Lynden (Freebird87)