a real sudden decison was made today and the chance to get out of the house to camp and fish for 4 days was thrust upon me. but i have no say in the campsite choice. it will be on the rough river near the hwy 54 bridge where the KYDFW stocks the trout. it's about 15 or 20 miles below the dam of rough river lake. we will be doing a real primitive camp lol taking our own fresh water, no power and using the campershell on my ole' truck. i plan on sweating and swimming alot, but i will have my rods and all my crappie and bassin' stuff along with a couple of tubs of chicken liver. the tuff park is i can't take my little boat so the bank will be it. i was just wondering, if anyone sees this before 9 a.m. thrusday, if anyone has fished around there and has any advice