if the winners of the rods, hats, & rods/reels would send a email to .... [email protected] .... and tell him thanks for being such a generous supporter of our Spring Fling events.

It would also be nice to send PM's thanking slabeye for his contribution of Slabanator Jigs/hats/shirts, & to Snake River for his contributions of Bob's Jigs, and Slab for his contributions of knives/Road Runners/decals.

Two of the rods & the neck/face gaiters were contributed by me, and you can simply thank me on this thread.

BUT, it is really important that the sponsors get emails or PMs IF we want to continue to have these prize packages at future events. (*Note : several of the previous sponsors of years past did not contribute to this year's event, and I can only think that the lack of "thank you" emails to those companies could have been a factor.)

In those emails/PMs, please indicate that you received them at the Spring Fling @ Green 2024