Slabeye and I fished Green yesterday:

Forecast winds - 15mph (actual windspeed - more like 25-30mph in gusts)
Water temp - 60deg
Water color - normal
Water Level - 1ft below Summer Pool

Fished brushpiles/submerged timber in 15-25fow

Keepers caught - over 50
Keepers kept - about 30
(kept mostly 9.5"-11" fish)

This was mostly a "meat hunt" for me & a friend of Slabeye's. Basically a 9-5 slog thru whitecaps, flippin double jig rigs. One double hookup was had by Slabeye, but unfortunately they were both dinks.

Baits used - various Slabanator products by Slabeye, and various Crappie Magnet products by me.

My cut of the keepers:

Thanks, Slabeye ... it was a fun day & I think we did good, considering the conditions.