To all, not a normal post and it probably will be removed, but want to take the time to let everyone on the KY section that the perchjerker will be moving to SC in May. I've really enjoyed all the information and posts from the KY section and am really disappointed in the SC section, but hope it may pick up. Crappiepappy, I wish I could have made it to one of the events at Green, but will miss out. So, if you need an update on Lake Marion/Moultrie fishing, I will be there by mid to late May this year, if you are coming down, I can give you some info. I moved back to KY 5 years ago to help my Mom with my dad with dementia. It is a terrible thing. Dad passed away in February, I've decided to go back to the Santee/Cooper area to spend what years me and the wife have left. To our KY fishing and wildlife people, you do an excellent job managing the lakes and especially the FINs program. Good luck to all fishing in KY.