Yep, on the Carp. Was there last May fishing for Bluegill. Found a nice size bay with about 2 acres of 2-5 ft water with beds scattered around. We did good, didn't kill them, but caught several nice fish on the 1st day. Next day, went into the same bay, as I slowly motored into the bay, had some carp jump around the boat. I did not think it would affect the Bluegills, but I was wrong, nothing for 2 hours fishing hard the entire area, even had carp jump when I used the trolling motor, so, moved to other areas and had luck. Now, the NEXT day, I went back to the 'Bluegill' bay that I went to the day before, no carp jumping, and the fishing was good, so I guess the carp had left. I'm not an expert, but IF the Carp are pilled in an area you are fishing, I'd move to another spot. There are fish in the lake, but they don't seem to like to be around these large groups of carp