Chucky ... chili, fish fry equipment/oil/cooking duties, door prizes, Suites conference room rental
Pappy ... door prizes
Wannabe fisherman ... tableware

OK ... post what you will be bringing to the Fling, and I will update the list as we go. Amounts needed will be assumed to feed 40 people, so let us know the size/amount of the item you intend to bring so that we'll be able to tell what we may be short on ... if attendance is higher.

Normal items usually brought are : french fries, hush puppies, cakes/pies, cole slaw, baked beans, etc.

you DO NOT have to bring anything to attend the event !!

At least ONE person in your group must be a member of !!

And if you know how many people will be in your group, let us know that too ... so we can have an idea of how many people will be attending. Things happen ... so if you sign up to attend and you aren't able to make it, let me know ASAP, so I can keep a close headcount and find someone else to bring the item you signed up to bring (if you did so).