Hello everyone I work for the Clarksville Police Department in Clarksville, TN. On Saturday October 18th one of our detectives Kagan Dindar suffered a massive heart attack while working an event here in town. He remains on life support with no brain activity. They are awaiting on his family to arrive from Turkey and then he will be taken off of the ventilator. He is 37 years old and will be leaving behind a wife and a 7 year old daughter. His wife is currently unemployed. In an effort to raise money for his family from now until Christmas I will be offering a 5 pack of quality hand tied jigs (ask Wiskers and Steve McCadams these jigs catch fish) in either 1/24, 1/16 or 1/8oz. I am still deciding on the colors but one of them will be a memorial color for Det. Dindar. Pictures of the jigs will be posted later. They will be $5 for 5 jigs with 100% of the proceeds going to Det. Dindars family. I will be setting up a pay pal account for this and will post further info when available. I would like to get an idea on how many members would be interested so I can get a general idea of how much materials I will need and jigs to pour or buy. Lets all come together and help this family in their time of need. Thanks Justin Seay