... will be held on Green River Lake ... April 10th .... with a cookout to follow.

My main concern is with the cookout ... as we will need to make sure that we'll have enough equipment/supplies to cook with (or enough people showing up to even bother :p )

we'll need to make sure that several people bring filet knives, too.

We should try and be at Holmes Bend Marina between 0730 & 0830AM ... meet & greet, launch boats, etc.

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Myself, I plan on being there ... but, not sure how long I'll be able to stay.

If you voted for the 10th ... and/or you plan on attending .... post on this thread, and let us know how many people will be in your party. You might also want to let us know what you have, or are willing to bring for the cookout.

Any other concerns should be aired out in this thread, also.

.... cp