Hello folks,
As the title says I am looking at a new way to get to fish, a kayak. We have a local lake that supplied water to a coal fired power plant. well, the plant isn't on line no more, and the city owns the park and lake. It is part of the James River here in South western Missouri in Springfield. For the most part it is pretty shallow, or at least appears that way from the satalite pictures I'm able to pull up. I have fished below the dam and have caught some good crappie thier. Their is no active boat ramps here as the one slightly up river washed out a few years before I moved here and whats left of the one in the park is blocked off... and the city has no intention of putting one in if they can help it. So that leaves a kayak and canoe. Now, I am a bit on the large size around the middle at 5'11' and 270 lbs. There is a few areas of this lake and the river section that I really, really want to fish.
From the pic's I'm looking at it just looks so fishy. Most of this I Can only look at from the satellite as their is not any other access to, that momma will let this clumsy individual attempt to get to. Some is along rock bluff into some decently deep water and then their is all the woods with lots of walking up and down ravines for which I'm not real fond of either so a kayak makes the most since to me.
This is where I need some help. I am on disability from the VA and S/S, and not a lot left over after the necessary bills and essentials are paid each month. What is your experienced opinion of the Lifetime Tahoma 100 sit on top kayak. Anyone have experience with this kayak. Feed back/ suggestions please. Thank you ahead of time. Eric, AKA "Jamesdean".