I ordered an Old Town Discovery 119 Canoe with a web seat back in April. That rascal came in a few days ago, but I haven't been able to get it out on the water yet but I'm pretty anxious. I ordered a new paddle, life jacket, seat and rod holders but they have not come in yet. A few of the ordered items are expected in a week or so while some of the others are looking more towards the middle of July and all of these were items in stock!

I sold my Ocean Kayak Big Game II Kayak recently and included the paddle, rod holders and fish finder. It was a wonderful rig with some wonderful advantages but I was anxious to sit a wee bit higher. As I get older, comfort seems to win out over... well everything! :-)

First thing I did to the canoe was raise the seat 5.25 inches. I know that raising the center of gravity may adversely affect the "fun factor" and become a "fear factor"! It isn't permanent, no additional holes were drilled nor were any penguins removed from their natural habitat. I think I will be able to sleep at night. My goal is to arrange my rod holders similar to how they were positioned on my kayak but without drilling holes. Two Scotty holders up front angled rearward for pulling crank baits. Two Hi-Tec rod holders that will "push da jigs through da twigs while I'll eat sum figs in my rig!" U-dig? I'm so, so very sorry, did I mention that I'm excited to get this puppy on the water? Anyway, that's the plan. When the rest of the gear comes in I'll post some picks.