Ran across these from a couple years ago showing the new AIRIS inflatable my son got when he went off to college. Thought some of you might enjoy them...
Carrying it around in it's backpack - weighs around 20 lbs. (he since got some nicer 4 pc paddles that fit IN the pack)

Here it is unpacked

I think there's 3 (or 4?) different compartments to inflate (I guess so if you do get a catastrophic tear - you're not completely in trouble. It's a high volume pump - very quick!

The first nite on our neighbor's pond - he had a ball and caught several this sized and tied into about a 4 lber that I got on video

He even got me in it (looking pretty coordinated ain't I?)

I have a couple videos from an Iphone - but I'll have to try to convert to an MP3 or something - since I can't post it as a .MOV file
Anyway - I hope ya'll enjoy the pics