I just bought this Kayak, and am in the process of setting it up. Haven't gotten a whole lot accomplished at this point, but did spend a little time on it today. I did get the FF (Hummingbird Piranha 170) bracket and transducer installed today. I was posting in another thread about using a 3" PVC well for the TD, but decided to go the Plumbers Putty route. I tend to over-engineer sometimes.

The main thing I wanted to accomplish was to get a cart built for it, which I also did today. Total investment about $30 and about an hour of time. It will knock-down to stow under the front hatch.

I opted for steel rod as opposed to all-thread. I figured there would be less wear (due to no threads turning inside the PVC or wheels). I pinned the wheels because I wasn't sure how far I'll need to knock it down, but the entire axle assemble (short of the uprights and foamed supports), wheels and all will stow easily.

I just ordered a paddle (Rounded 96" Shoreline) since the ones where I got the Kayak were short and cheap. The one I ordered was only $35 (w/free shipping from Amazon), so I know it's far from great, but it had a couple dozen good reviews. I'll upgrade later, and have a spare.

I'm still in the research stage (looking at others rigging), so not really much in the way of pics or accomplishments for now, but will add them as things progress. I want to spend some time on the water before deciding exactly where I want to add things. I was considering adding the anchor trollies, but changed my mind. Instead I may go with a front pulley so I can raise/lower an anchor (and I'm aware of the dangers of anchoring in current).

I'm really looking forward to getting on the water, even for just a test run (no fishing gear). Went to the local State Park today to get the $5 Non-Motorized Launch Permit (required for State Lakes), but they were closed. Guess once my paddle arrives, I'll just hit a City Park Lake for a little time on the water.