What would you do? Yesterdays fishing adventure was different, somewhat infuriating actually, I got to the lake late for me. I pull up and it seems everybody else took the day off. I find a pile and start fishing, kinda slow but I start catching a few crappie. Then the next boat arrives and the next, both seem to want to basically board my boat. One tosses an anchor and drifts back into me, the other polishes my prop. Then after a bit the prop polisher asks if I'll quit smoking because it offends him Which all it did was make me smoke more, actually lighting one off of the butt of the last, my bloods boiling literally. I catch a dozen to their zero's and just can't take their sportsmanship any more, so I pull out a bit. I ask my prop boys if I can get their phone number, which gets them defensive and I leave. Off for some walleyes, which I was heavily BLESSED in yesterday. What would you do, I'm posting here hoping they're lurkers and read this. It upset me