The last several days of trial and error have resulted in a video that is pretty rough but watchable.

I believe the settings needed and other such factors have been figured out well enough to make a video to post on here.

The amount of interest in such things is unknown but some videos have been posted and well accepted in the past.

My purpose is not to teach or show how to tie a jig, I'm still learning after all.
There is zero interest in 'monetizing' videos or even selling jigs, it's all about the satisfaction and enjoyment that comes with combining tying with crappie fishing for me.

My way is mostly 'freestyle', simply sitting at the bench and deciding on what to tie 1 step at a time beginning with head selection. Other materials used are then picked step by step. That's not to say it's always that way, sometimes a particular look is already in mind, but mostly its free wheeling.

I may be doing it wrong for all I know, but this is how my jigs are made, and they have been working as intended.

It seems to me that there is a general lack of information being posted on the forum, and with all the great tyers here and their knowledge that could be shared, that's a waste.

Hopefully someone will see or hear something useful. Take it as intended.

Apologies in advance for the rough audio on this one. Fans were too noisy, but it was hot in my building. Will try to get that sorted out next.
I may end up not using audio at all since music is usually playing when tying and that interferes with voice.

So here it is: Let's Tie a Jig