I loaded up the raft and took my bride for a dip in the lake. She thinks it is always too cold, so we waited until about 11:00 am to depart. This time though when she slipped off the raft to cool off, something touched her foot. The look on her face was one that indicated it had her good. She scrambled back aboard the raft just as soon as she went in. She only dipped one more time and that was equally quick. Didn’t look like she had time to even get wet. Poor thing was traumatized.

We saw two boats, and for that lake that was weird. Both were bass master types.

For my part I managed four small fish. Pitiful. When we got home I put the TM batteries on charge, and readied everything for today. Yup I am off work today and will be trying a different lake.

I spoke with some folks about the club stuff and got some sound advice. Seems there is a consensus. I will simply stay out of it altogether. The membership is far far too old to attempt a save. The new location would be far too costly. I could never get done enough to make it work out- without a pile of cash. Much more than they have managed to save up. So if the club is to die, I will simply be a witness. I do not have the money to save it, nor do I think it would be appreciated enough to satisfy me. Those that do have the money can save it, but it may not be worthy of their money. Most of the members don’t really do anything to help out other than complain about paying dues. They sit around and stare at me. Oh well.