i recently broke the tip section of one of my Jenko Spider Troll 16’ rods. Bought four last January, lost one completely, broke two tip sections, one complete rod left. So I visited Southern Crappie rods website and saw where he was out of the model I wanted- 16 foot heavy duty rods. Then I visited Grizzly jig’s site and saw where Denali 14 footers are on sale. Nice rods. Then looked at the B&M selection and almost went for the Duck Commanders in 14’, only I wanted 16’ and they don’t come in that length.

Finally I saw the Jenko rod tips only selection and ordered me up two tips. This will get me back to owning three 16’ rods, for $40. I am certain that I will snap a tip again…..duhhhhh, and when I do I will still have two rods. Then when there is a second snap, I will order all new rods. The Jenko rods are not bad rods and have handled some large fish for me.

I pulled out the other broken tip from the garage and have attached it to the rod in the boat. That rod lost almost 3 feet and this tip section had only lost a few inches. I clipped the rod near the eye and it should work until my order arrives.

I didn’t want to drop down to 14 footers as that would require me to get two 9’ rods as well. Currently out each side I have 16 - 11 - 6 length rods. This stagger allows me to make sharp turns without fouling. I keep the tips down low to the water’s surface when it is windy. Yesterday it was windy and I fouled the lines with the “back of the boat” poles and that was because those are at an angle upwards and not low and develop bows in the line. If it gets real windy I store away those rods.

Anyways that was my solution to my recent rod breakage. I had caught a large bluegill and he had the entire jig down deep. As I fiddled to free him I stressed the tip section and it snapped. Then I mangled the lure and destroyed the plastic bait. Then he started bleeding all over the boat and I knew he was the fish from hell. He saw freedom but I am almost certain he was visited by the grim reaper not too long after.

I get frustrated easily on windy days as my 20’ aluminum boat is like an empty water bottle on the water. It bobs and spins and turns easily. The hand controlled TM actually likes to help the winds to spin me in exactly the wrong directions. So I am reduced to babysitting the TM. If I am sitting there everything is fine. If I get up to address something, it goes bananas. Somehow it knows when I am at my most vulnerable and that is when it starts in with me. Amazing.

I have mentioned this to my wife and made sure she saw me fighting with it. Of course this was a well rehearsed show, and I performed flawlessly. Set up for when I get a new TM. No surprise if she knows I have been wanting one. LOL.

One that holds it’s heading and speed. I don’t want anything else. Just point it and say go that way at 0.9 mph and done. Then I could move about the cabin more freely and frequently. No foot control nonsense neither.

The fish I did manage over two days all had my latest jig design. The Screw Lock Worm Nose with swivel/blade. Each fish was hooked just barely on the very outside edge of their lips. There is a rim that goes around and the hooks were imbedded in that. I saw two good bites that were escapes as soon as I grabbed the rod. This is rare for me as usually there is a fish on every time. Maybe they were bluegills, or maybe the crappie were grabbing the lure in an odd manner. Could have been obstructions in the water column, like hydrilla.

Not sure what I will be cooking this week but boy I sure hope it is good and we have lots of leftovers. I cook something somewhere for somebody tonight.

Then at 630 am I am to meet my buddy at the lake. He wants to show me how to fish again. He is using my custom jig heads and he wants to teach me. LOL Anyways, I will be watching very very closely how he manages his boat. His rods are cheap junk stuff and his line is green mono also likely cheap. I have seen his lures. There really is only one thing left for me to learn. Typically he seems to go a little faster than I tend to run. I will see if that is still the case tomorrow.

The lake he picked is a favorite of mine and where I got married. Small affair so I imagine it was chosen because we have been having windy days. Maybe he knows something. I know he fishes a lot, and has fished a lot, and knows others that fish a lot. I would have chosen the lake I went to Sunday and Monday. Monday a cold front was passing through and that kind of had them shut down. I suspect tomorrow will be a good day, and if it isn’t, well that’s OK as I now know I will be filling my freezer this year regardless.