Well I started tying one year ago this month and it has changed my life. I ordered a vise and some materials .That is where things started to change. First converted home office computer desk to tying station. The gray cat left home when I started tying gray ghost jigs. The wife sent all her furs to the daughters house. The Christmas tree looked funny with most of the tinsel and ice sickles removed.
Then I found the wife's sewing box ( boy was she mad}. There was this girl with pink hair at walley world all I could see was electric chicken. The arresting officer said that his uncle had the same thing happen to him and told me not to carry my sizzlers with me any more. Things continued to go down hill. I now have a scenic view or Fort Buhlow Lake in Pineville La. From my window at the state mental hospital. If you go down hwy 165 wave and honk.

Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year