Round Two sign up.
Same rules as last round see below.

Okay I know its not a jig swap but I'm thinking this might be fun. Using Fatman's Idea of passing a box around filled with goodies.

Heres how it's gonna work. Everyone that wants to play sign up below and tell where you live. I'll get a box started with materials then mail it to the person after me. He or she then takes no more then 5 items from the box and replaces those items with equal valued items (at least 5 but not limited to 5 items). Then mails the box to the person after them. eventually having the box work its way back to me as it's passed from person to person. Then we will start it all over again but with more and better goodies hopefully.

After each person gets the box post what you picked out and who's getting the box next. But don't tell what you put in the box or what was in the box when you got it. Want this to be kinda of a surprise Birthday/christmas present type experience .

What to put in the box:
Any jig tying material or anything to do with jig tying or crappie fishing.