Ok anglers, here's what we are thinking. We would like to start an Iowa Crappie Club, with all of your help. Things we would like to be able to do with this club would be first and foremost, better crappie fishing in Iowa!!! Increase knowledge of structure, crappie patterns, tips and tricks. Promote being a good steward of our public and private waters.

We could:

--have a few tourneys each year (fun affordable tourneys)
--get together and build structure and habitat
--have crappie clinnics for youth or anyone interested
--build awarness about crappie fishing in Iowa
--influence policy with the DNR
--Invite bioligists with the Lakes and DNR to speak with our club

These are just some ideas I have thought of, any ideas that you have please post!!

I think it would be great to be able to achieve all of these things, and I truly believe we can. Let's make this happen, with enough support we can have a very educational and fun club. Make crappie fishing in Iowa better. Support each other, make some new friends.

Everyone interested post on this thread, We can start slowly putting together our guidelines, and what we want the club to achieve.